Join Us At HFMA ANI June 26th – 28th, 2016! This year at ANI, Clinical Intelligence CEO, Laurie Jaccard, will be presenting with Nancy Rongo, Vice President & Chief Quality Officer of United Health Services, Bonnie Barndt-Maglio, PhD, RN, Managing Director of...
The Clinical View Blog
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How Adopting a Single LOS Standard Impacts Efficiency
When I arrived at a 150-bed hospital as their new Chief Financial Officer, one of the key performance metrics that I immediately became concerned with was the inpatient length of stay (LOS). Our average LOS ranged from one to three days longer than what payors...
Transforming The Way You Lead
Managing Outliers
A hospital focused on improving its clinical performance will spend some time on an analysis of its patient data including length of stay, potential excess days and other clinical quality measures as compared to benchmarks. When the data is organized on a month by...
The Hospital CFO Analysis: Are You Effectively Sizing the Benefit Opportunity?
As a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) over many hospitals throughout my career, I would take our end of the month financials and a yellow pad and sit down at my desk and start reviewing the prior month results. As I analyzed the numbers, I would write down questions...